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Vivek Sheraton M

A short bio

Our dynamic researcher with a chemical engineering background and a knack for unraveling complex biological systems. With a master's degree on chemical engineering from IIT-Kanpur, One PhD on biofilm modelling from UvA, Amsterdam and other on cancer simulations from NTU, Singapore, Dr. Sheraton seamlessly blends biomedicine and computational science. During his PhD, Dr. Sheraton delved into the intricacies of healthcare and developed groundbreaking computational frameworks. Now, he acts the CTO of Onkolyze and a scientific researcher in the Computational Science lab at UvA and Vermeulen lab at AmsterdamUMC. Dr. Sheraton brings his expertise to the forefront in modeling complex systems and tackling challenges in health care.

A presentation on "Capturing emergence in bacterial biofilms" by Vivek Sheraton M


Data anonymization series


Matthias Louws

  • Episode 1